What is weed paranoia and why it happens

weed paranoia

Cannabis is frequently associated with relaxation, however, some people may experience paranoia or anxiety when smoking marijuana. Though paranoia and anxiety are similar but paranoia is a bit more specific. An irrational distrust of other people is referred to as paranoia. You might think that someone is keeping an eye on you, following you, or attempting to rob or hurt you in some manner.

Although not all marijuana users will suffer paranoia, it can be a typical negative side effect. Furthermore, some people are more prone to developing paranoid than others. Knowing the causes of paranoid thoughts and how to prevent or control them while using cannabis may empower you rather than make you feel afraid.

In today’s blog we will discuss 

  • why it happens 
  • how you maybe prone to paranoia
  • Does genetics has anything to do with paranoia
  • THC content more or less?- guide to a more enjoyable experience with cannabis
  • Does sex has anything to do with it?
  • A guide to handling your paranoia
  • What you can do to avoid teh paranoia experience in the future
  • DO you still get paranoia when you are not smoking cannabis
paranoid | News

Why you feel Paranoia after getting high

Paranoia brought on by cannabis is influenced by your endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Certain cannabis constituents, such as THC, the psychoactive component, connect with endocannabinoid receptors in the amygdala and other regions of the brain when you consume cannabis. The amygdala aids in controlling how you react to fear and its related emotions, such as fear, stress, and guess what – paranoia. THC-rich cannabis causes an unexpected increase in the amount of cannabinoids that reach your brain. The amygdala may be overstimulated by an excess of cannabinoids, according to research, causing you to experience dread and anxiety.

Then again when you consume rich CBD, it doesn’t get tiy paranoid becasue canabinoid does not directly bond with the endo-canabinoid receptors in our brain.

Although not all stoners will suffer paranoia, it can be a typical negative side effect. Furthermore, some people are more prone to developing paranoid than others. Knowing the causes of paranoid thoughts and how to prevent or control them while using cannabis may empower you rather than make you feel afraid. As you grow more mature and experienced with the green leafs you will find potentials of cannabis, paranoia is termed as a side effect but some will say it makes your careful. If you are with your close friends, partner you can trust the chances are very low you feeling paranoia but in a new environment yes you may feel it. In this blog we will guide you how you can overcome it.

Why you may be more susceptible to paranoia

Not everyone who uses cannabis becomes paranoid. Additionally, the majority of those who do experience it don’t do it consistently or don’t even realize it. There could be a lot of factors, you might be having this feeling, what I have mentioned earlier high thc forming too many bonds with amygdala and making the receptors sensible but then again genetics, sex and obviously how much thc content your body can take.

How genetics play a role in cannabis paranoia

When cannabis stimulates the frontal lobe of the brain more, it tends to have beneficial benefits including relaxation and less anxiety. The authors of A study hypothesize that the abundance of reward-producing opioid receptors in the front of the brain is responsible for this. However, if the posterior part of your brain is more sensitive to THC than the anterior, you can suffer a negative reaction, which frequently includes paranoia and anxiety.

But then again this is just science, and nature has always been one step ahead of science. Many people would not like to try weed for the second time for the paranoia, but sometime things may take a little longer to get used to the body.

THC content is important in cannabis paranoia

You’re typically more likely to experience paranoia or anxiety when you use a large amount of cannabis at once or utilize high-THC strains, however other factors like tolerance, genetics, and brain chemistry may also be at play. This is a simple equation, you cannot start with grade seven without passing grade six, I understand it is a far-fetched example everything has a way to work.

Now, if we look into science a bit, A 2017 research involving 42 healthy people revealed evidence that 7.5 milligrams (mg) of THC consumption appeared to lessen unpleasant emotions related to a demanding job. On the other hand, a greater dose of 12.5 mg produced the reverse result and heightened the same unfavorable emotions.

Growhouse, has always been inspiring you to try micro-dose, we know you love weed and we are making sure you get best of the best strains but at the same time you have to make sure you are doing good all around you not just glued to the couch. Because stoners have a bad repetion out there and growhouse is in a mission to change it.

Does sex of the person matter?

a 2014 research on animals A reputable source looking into THC tolerance discovered data indicating that greater estrogen levels can enhance cannabis sensitivity by as much as 30% while lowering tolerance.

How does this affect you? So, if you’re a woman, you could be more susceptible to the effects of cannabis. This applies to both favorable and bad effects, such as pain relief and paranoia.

How to manage your cannabis paranoia

There are a few remedies you may try if you’re suffering from paranoia brought on by cannabis.

The first thing you have to understand, Everything is all right, you are fine, you have just chilled with some green goodies, might have taken a long puff and now your head is fucking with you. First thing you need to do is have deep breating, check if you feel your nose is closed, specially in cold states in canada it is common. 

Start doing the following

  • Long deep breath, hold the breath for 3 seconds and then release it.
  • Do it for atleast 20 times and try keep increasing the breath holding session, better if you can hold for 6 seconds
  • now start alternating the nostril breathing, keep one nose close and breath with the other. Keep repeating it.
  • You are already feeling good. NICE!
  • Now do 10 push-ups. It will automatically open your nostrils and help you with the breathing process. 

Be in a comfortable environment 

It won’t do much to lessen your paranoia if your surroundings make you feel tense or anxious. Try, if you can, to move to a place where you feel more at ease, such as your bedroom or a peaceful area outside. Now, we’ve already covered several times the importance of having a cozy environment when you’re high. If you are with a group that you’ve just met and you being an introvert person, you might not feel much comfortable and soon enough you will start to feel paranoia, instead imagine you’re with your best buddies or in the comfort of your bed room don’t you think the chances of being paranoia lessens a lot?

This is suggestion is highly recommended for the newbies, starting with weed. Yes, it is also fun to share a joint with a someone new or who you’ve met very recently but it’s when you know what comes after thc starts to kick in.

How not to be paranoid in the future

You overcame a paranoid episode, and now you’re determined never to go through one again. One choice is to just avoid the cannabis, but this may not be the best course of action if you find any of its other effects to be advantageous. Fortunately, there are a few things you can take to lessen your likelihood of experiencing another episode of paranoia brought on by cannabis.

Don’t go overdose, start with less, enjoy a good conversations with friends

Your likelihood of having paranoid again surely will decreased if you inhale less cannabis at a time. just take two or three puff and pass the joint to your friend if you are smoking alone just put out after three puffs. I have seen lot of us run after the dopamine rush and consume lot at once, even with edibles (Much more stronger than regular joints).

Give it at least 30 to 60 minutes to take effect after starting with less than you would ordinarily use in a single session. If you don’t feel paranoia, you can experiment with various doses, gradually increasing them until you discover the right one that gives you the desired results while avoiding paranoia and other unpleasant side effects.

Choose a cannabis strain with more CBD in it

CBD doesn’t have any psychotropic effects, in contrast to THC. Additionally, studies show that cannabis high in CBD may have antipsychotic properties. An indication of psychosis is paranoia.

Products with greater CBD to THC ratios are becoming more often. With Growhouse, you may find tinctures and consumables.


At its best, paranoia might seem a bit unnerving; at its worst, it can be downright scary. Remain cool and keep in mind that it will probably go away once the effects of your cannabis high start to wear off. You can call a friend , better if the friend is with you. When you’ll start talking to aold friend you’ll find it lot more relaxing and various topics will start to pop on your head. Just remember- Everything will be fine, just be creative and have fun till you’re high once you’re sober you’ve shit ton of things to do

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