8 Things To Avoid After Getting Stoned

things to avoid after getting stoned

There are so many things one can do after getting high such as watching a comedy special on Netflix, cooking some delicious food, and devour them like a child. You can even do a little bit of hiking and chill in the mountains (yes, but make sure to do some research on that particular mountain, a lot of them have mountain carnivore animals)- unless you know how to get them high, it is better to avoid those places. You can visit tourist destinations and see the reaction of the tourist, trust me it is more fun than you think, people who come for the first time to Canada, seems happy all the time and it feels good to see their reaction. Now, today Growhouse will do a different approach, we are going to discuss the things you shouldn’t do after getting high.

1. Do not go to the grocery store

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This is to save you money. when you are stoned, a grocery store will seem like a wonderland, you’ll just want the experience of every single ride. You will want to taste everything and if you are a newbie we are in a trouble. Spending way too much money on snacks won’t be a smart decision, Am I right?

So, the first thing we will not do after getting high, IS NOT GO TO THE GROCERY STORE.

2. Respond To Work Emails

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You know how you may become distracted in the middle of a sentence and start talking about something entirely unrelated? You probably don’t want to answer a critical business email with a tale of how cute squirrels are. It may cause suspicion among your coworkers. the reason I am saying this is because it happens to some of the stoners but it shouldn’t be happening. When you get high at least for the first hour don’t even think of doing important office work unless the work demands creative energy, if you have to write an important email to your manager or employees it is better not to do it at that moment. Because once you embarrass yourself there is no turning back.

3. Attending any important event

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I know you get super confident when you smoke a Sativa joint, but start sharing your philosophy in an interview is not good. I have always shared how weed is better than alcohol then you guys will prove me wrong by doing something as stupid as that. When filling out a form at the dentist, you’ll write “Yes, please!” beneath the question of what is your sex—don’t be that man.

your friend’s party, yes sir please get high as much as you want, someone’s funeral ‘nope’, not a good idea.

4. Getting a tattoo

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I know, stoners usually do not do that, it’s a drunkard’s job, But teenagers might find it a nice idea. Let’s make something very clear, I don’t have any problem with getting a tattoo but while stoned or drunk getting a tattoo, might not be interesting the next day. so please if you want to get a tattoo, get a tattoo but don’t do it while you’re high if you think it is a good idea because you won’t feel the paint, it is completely the opposite, weed will let your body focus on the pain point.

5. Laugh in a serious situation

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Finding daily trivialities amusing is a regular phenomenon while high on marijuana. Even though there is humor in everything, there are times when smiling and laughing are inappropriate or plain embarrassing.

Watching a drama film while giggling at that strange cat in the background when someone reveals the death of the protagonist would make you appear strange. It is entirely up to you how you exhibit yourself to the world; when you are with your buddy and you guys have an inside joke and start laughing at times, that is okay and people may find it amusing but at serious times it is better to maintain your personality.

6. Try To Make Cookies

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When smoking pot, the golden rule is to bake oneself, not cookies. If you go so high that you confront the breakdown of the space-time continuum, your cookies will be burnt, triggering the fire alarm. It’s better to bake your cookies before getting high, so you can eat your cannabis-infused peanut butter coconut cookies while they’re still warm.

7. Getting too high

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The truth is, if you plan ahead of time, you can fly as high as a bird. However, if you still have things to do and that additional bowl is too tempting to refuse, you may need to postpone your activities, which may be inconvenient for that day. Keeping a precise mix of cannabinoids and functioning is an art form – if you’re a newbie toker, stick to the lower end of the spectrum if duties need to be completed.

See, Growhouse is on a mission, we believe cannabis can do a lot of good if you know how to use it right. If you keep going misusing it, then our mission simply fails, we lose the value of the flowers and why do that? cannabis does bring out the creative horse that is hidden inside of you but consuming it all time loses its value. So what we are gonna do is if we have something important that needs immediate attention, we will reschedule the party and focus on the task. The party can wait till the next week.

The most important one for the last

8. Driving And Parking

Under no circumstances should driving while high be tried. If you’re on a road trip with your friends and someone recommends a hotbox session in the van, you must first park the car and then the hotbox. There is always someone in the group who doesn’t get high, ask that person to drive, if there is no sober person then I suggest at least spending an hour chatting and then start driving.

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