Tag Archives: Alcohol

CBD Oil with Alcohol: Mixing Guide and Effects

CBD oil has been known to have potential medical advantages in the recent past, and [...]

The Rise of cannabis to replace alcohol as the Social Lubricant of Choice

As society evolves, so do our habits and preferences. For decades, alcohol has been the [...]

DIY Cannabis Wax: The Tools and Ingredients You Need

Creating your cannabis wax at home is a rewarding journey that allows you to customize [...]

Highs and Hangovers: Understanding the Effects of Cannabis and Alcohol Combined

The combination of cannabis and alcohol is a topic that has piqued curiosity and raised [...]

The Double-Edged Sword: Examining the Combined Effects of Cannabis and Alcohol

In recent years, the simultaneous use of cannabis and alcohol has become increasingly common. This [...]

The Future of Magic Mushroom Research: Promising Areas of Study

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for thousands of years for [...]

Cannabis and Alcohol: How the Two Substances Interact

Cannabis and alcohol are two of the most widely used psychoactive substances in the world. [...]

NSLC sees growth in sales amid coronavirus pandemic – Halifax

[ad_1] The Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation says it saw a 4.2 per cent increase in [...]

Roofied: How date rape drugs affect your mind and body

[ad_1] A Halifax woman recently shared the scary realities of being unwillingly drugged at a [...]

Vancouver party bus operator slapped with $27K fine for carrying minors, alcohol – BC

[ad_1] Just days after the B.C. government reminded party bus operators of strict new fines [...]