Okanagan cannabis extraction company enjoying ‘hyper’ expansion – Okanagan

Okanagan cannabis extraction company enjoying ‘hyper’ expansion Okanagan | News

Vitalis Extraction Technology is a fast growing Okanagan company.

Based in Kelowna, it manufactures and sells machines that extract botanical oil from plants, including cannabis and hemp.

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“We’re going into some other markets now,” Joel Sherlock, Vitalis co-founder said.

“Hemp, flavourings, pharmaceuticals. The cannabis and hemp markets, which we service — those markets are growing and that market growth drives our growth.”

The industrial manufacturing company operates out of five facilities in the city, and is hiring new employees at a rate of one per week.

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“We think by Christmas we’ll hit the 130 mark and then stabilize until we hit that next level of production requirements,” Pete Patterson, another Vitalis co-founder said.

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The company has clients on five continents, and has now sold more botanical oil extractors than any of their direct competitors.

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