Montreal police arrest 13 in crackdown on contraband cannabis – Montreal

Montreal police arrest 13 in crackdown on contraband cannabis | News


Montreal police arrested 13 people during a series of raids aimed at cracking down on an alleged contraband cannabis ring earlier in the month.

The operation, which took place on Dec. 4, included searches of vehicles and residences across the city, according to police.

Aside from cannabis products, police say they also seized methamphetamine, OxyContin and hashish. Three handguns and nearly $40,195 were also retrieved, according to police.

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Police say the drugs were sold in short-term rental units in central neighbourhoods and the city’s east end. The alleged ring also operated a laboratory located in a commercial building, according to police.

“To avoid attracting police attention, traffickers changed the location of their outlets sporadically,” police said in a statement.

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Police say the suspects face multiple charges, including possession of drugs for the purpose of sale, illicit distribution and conspiracy.

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Seven people remain in custody pending their release, while six others were released on the promise to appear in court, according to police.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Info-Crime Montreal at 514-393-1133 or online. All information is treated confidentially.

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