How To Make Weed Brownies: The best pot brownie of 2022

Pot brownie, weed brownie, cannabis brownie, brownie made with canna butter

Table of content

  • What is cannabutter or weed butter

  • How to make weed butter

  • Necessary Hardwares

  • Mixing the ingredients

There are many different cannabis edible forms and tastes, but weed brownies are the preferred choice among pot fans. This is due to the fact that marijuana brownies are a very adaptable and long-lasting cannabis consumable. Those who have tried cannabis brownies can all agree that chocolate and cannabutter or weed butter are meant to be together.

Fortunately, creating weed brownie is simple. One of the easiest to maintain edibles are these cannabis brownies, commonly referred to as pot brownies, magic bites, or space cakes. To prepare a gooey and delicious batch at home this special cannabis brownie, you don’t need expensive supplies, exotic ingredients, or much money.


A brownie made with marijuana has a delicious, chocolaty flavor and can keep you high for six to eight hours. Additionally, it often digests quickly, and people frequently see its benefits in as little as 30 minutes. Because of this, marijuana brownies are still the most sought-after marijuana treats, and they are available in plenty of physical and online outlets, including dispensaries.


But when you can make your own DIY cannabis brownie at home, purchasing a pre-made marijuana brownie could seem a little wasteful. No specialized expertise is required to prepare weed brownies. All you require is some baking supplies, an oven, some necessary materials, and time.


First things first, though. Cannabutter oil is an excellent place to start when making pot brownies, so let’s do that first.

What is cannabutter or weed butter

Cannabutter is made with a combination of cannabis and butter. Weed can dissolve in oil but not in the water, which is how we can make weed butter.

In addition to making weed brownie, you can also use cannabutter in meals such as pasta, omelets, cakes, bread, and slavory dishes, and yes you will definitely get high afterward.


How to make weed butter or canna butter


Step 1: Grind the nugs and Decarb the Weed

For marijuana to provide a high feeling, decarboxylation must take place. Therefore, adding cannabis flowers to your brownie recipe will not give you the desired effects.

Heat is required for the chemicals found in marijuana leaves, CBDA and THCA, to transform into CBD and THC, respectively. Putting the marijuana leaves in a tray and heating them in an oven set to 245°F is the simplest way to do it. Use a non-stick sheet throughout the operation to prevent losing priceless buds.

The items should be baked for between 30 and 40 minutes. Decarbing slowly and lowly will give greater results because burned weed doesn’t work as effectively. Let the decarboxylated marijuana cool before using it. The nuggets should next be crushed to prepare them for the next phase.

Step 2: Melt the Butter or Oil

You can use whatever kind of oil alternative you choose for this phase. Margarine, avocado, olive, or coconut oil are all acceptable options.

In a pot, combine one cup of butter or oil and one cup of fresh water. Finally, cook the mixture of water, oil, and butter gently and low until it melts. In this situation, water aids in temperature control and keeps the butter from burning.


Step 3: Add Cannabis

It’s time to make your cannabis butter now. Mix the melted butter with the decarboxylated cannabis that has been crushed up. For two to three minutes, simmer the cannabutter mixture over low heat. Stirring the liquid occasionally as it simmers prevents it from coming to a full boil.


Step 4: Strain the Cannabis Particles

Since you no longer need the cannabis chemicals, the preceding step eliminated them from the mixture. Now, let the butter cool down without letting it completely solid. After that, strain the liquid through cheesecloth to remove all tiny particles.

Avoid compressing the cheesecloth. This will cause your cannabutter to ooze foul-tasting plant stuff. Let the butter or cannabis oil drip naturally instead.


Step 5: Refrigerate

Finally, gather your cannabutter and place it in a clean, airtight container that you can keep in refrigerator. Give the cannabutter a few hours in the refrigerator so it can solidify. Remove it after that, and if necessary, drain any extra water. You now have a handmade version of creamy cannabutter that is ready to be used to make cannabis brownies.


Let’s move on to the brownie now!



  • 100ml water
  • One cup of cannabis butter
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Four eggs
  • One cup of brown sugar
  • One and a half cups of flour
  • One and a half teaspoons of salt
  • Half cup of cocoa powder

Even though there is an unlimited amount of components, the ones listed above are the essential ones. To make your pot brownie vegan, you may either choose to exclude the addition of extra ingredients like dark chocolate, almonds, coconut, sprinkles, etc. You may experiment with tastes and other additives as you become more accustomed to the cannabis products to create a formula that is personalized to your preferences.


  • Whisk/mixer
  • Toothpick
  • Small and large mixing bowl
  • Baking pan
  • Spoon


Now let’s move to our next phase. WEED BROWNIE!


Step 1: Warm the oven up

Start by setting your oven to 350°F. Additionally, oil and line the baking pan with parchment paper. If you don’t have this paper, cover the brownie pan with cooking spray or CBD oil instead. As a result, the brownies bake without adhering to the pan.


Step 2: Mix the Dry Ingredients

Along with brown sugar, other often used dry ingredients include flour, salt, baking powder, and cocoa powder. Half a cup of cocoa powder, one cup of flour, and a spoonful each of baking powder and salt are combined.

To make the brownies more melty and fudgy, you can add additional ground chocolate chips or finely chopped chocolate to the flour mixture. Additionally, stir in 1 cup of brown sugar granules to increase the sweetness of the brownie.


Step 3: Mix the Wet Ingredients

Similarly, combine and combine all of the wet ingredients in your recipe. Included in this are four eggs, one teaspoon of vanilla essence, and a cup of melted cannabis butter. Stir the mixture with a whisk until it forms a uniform solution.


Step 4: Mix All Ingredients

It’s time to combine the wet and dry ingredients once they’ve been mixed separately. Pour each mixture into a separate bowl after making sure it is combined equally. The wet and dry ingredients in the mixing bowl should be combined using a whisk or mixer. Once they have become a thick, creamy, and not overly runny brownie batter, add water a bit at a time. Although it will take longer than using a mixer, you may also mix by hand.

Step 5: Final Preparations and Topping

Put the brownie batter onto the baking pan that is already waiting. The final stage in terms of ingredients is to add the toppings of your choice. Sprinkles, chopped nuts, sea salt, and any other topping of your choosing are all acceptable toppings for brownies.


Step 6: Bake and Serve

After uniformly distributing the brownie batter on the pan, bake it in the preheated oven. At 350° F, bake the batter for around 25 to 30 minutes. The brownie batter will be slightly chewy at the 25-minute mark, but it will get darker and crunchier around the 30-minute mark.

weed brownies, cannabis brownie, how to make a cannabis brownie


To check whether your weed brownie is properly baked, use a toothpick. if the  toothpick is put into a baked brownie and it comes out clean, the cake has finished cooking and is ready to be served. Now turn off the oven, take your baked goodies out of the pan, and allow them cool for 20 minutes. And now you kids can start munching



One thought on “How To Make Weed Brownies: The best pot brownie of 2022

  1. B Willis says:

    Nice article. except: How much pot to use. that is never mentioned and yet, it’s key.
    Also. Break down the Buds BEFORE decarb. Spread on tray for 45 min to an hour. Watch your oven as some of them swing to 280 then down to 210 when set at 240… (Use a remote thermometer like for a BBQ, and use a potato etc to hold it off the rack if you don’t have the little BBQ rack adapter…)

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