Growing Magic Mushrooms in T.O.B: A Comprehensive Guide

Magic Mushrooms, Mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms Plant, Magic Mushrooms plant in house

Growing magic mushrooms in T.O.B. (Terrarium-On-Bottle) is a popular method for growing these fascinating fungi. T.O.B. is an easy-to-use technique that requires minimal materials and provides a perfect environment for mushroom cultivation. The process involves creating a miniature ecosystem in a glass bottle or jar, where the mushroom spores are grown on a layer of the substrate. The T.O.B. technique is ideal for growing small quantities of mushrooms for personal use and is relatively low maintenance compared to other cultivation methods. With the right materials, patience, and attention to detail, anyone can successfully grow their magic mushrooms using the T.O.B. method. In the following sections, we will go through each step of the process in detail to help you get started.

Choosing the Right Strain

When it comes to growing magic mushrooms, it is important to choose the right strain for your needs. Some strains are easier to grow than others and may be more forgiving of mistakes or variations in temperature and humidity. Other strains may be more sensitive and require more careful attention. Additionally, different strains can produce different levels of potency and effects, so it’s important to consider your desired outcomes when selecting a strain. Some strains are known for producing visual hallucinations, while others are more introspective and meditative in their effects. It’s also important to consider availability, as some strains may be more difficult to obtain than others. Researching different strains and their characteristics can help you make an informed decision when selecting a strain for growing magic mushrooms in T.O.B.

Creating a Suitable Growing Environment

Creating a suitable growing environment is crucial for the success of your magic mushroom cultivation. The ideal environment for growing magic mushrooms should be warm, humid, and well-ventilated. A grow kit is an excellent option for beginners as it comes with everything needed to create a suitable environment for the mushrooms to grow. However, if you decide to build a custom setup, you need to consider factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting. You can use a humidifier to maintain the required humidity levels and a heater to keep the temperature at the optimal range. Adequate air circulation is also essential to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. It is important to keep your growing environment clean and sterile to avoid contamination. Use gloves, a face mask, and disinfectant to sanitize your growing area before and during the process of cultivation.

Inoculating the Substrate

Inoculating the substrate is a critical step in the process of growing magic mushrooms. Spores are the reproductive cells of the mushroom, and mycelium is the vegetative growth of the fungus. Spores or mycelium are typically obtained from a reliable source such as a spore vendor or a reputable online retailer. To inoculate the substrate, you can use a spore syringe, inoculation loop, or agar wedges. Once you have obtained your spores or mycelium, you can mix them with your substrate in a sterile environment. It is important to follow proper sterile techniques during inoculation to avoid contamination. After inoculation, the substrate is left to colonize for a period of several weeks until the mycelium has fully spread throughout the substrate.

Maintaining the Growing Environment

Maintaining the growing environment is critical to the success of your magic mushroom cultivation. Temperature, humidity, and airflow are the three most important factors to monitor. The ideal temperature range for most strains of psilocybin mushrooms is between 20-25°C. Humidity levels should be kept at around 95% to prevent the substrate from drying out. Proper airflow is also essential for preventing contamination and ensuring healthy mushroom growth. It is important to keep the air in your growing space fresh and circulating. You can achieve this by using a fan or ventilation system. Lighting and watering schedules may also need to be adjusted as the mushrooms grow. For example, some strains require more light during the fruiting stage, while others need more water. Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining the growing environment.

Harvesting and Drying the Mushrooms

Harvesting and drying are the final steps in growing your magic mushrooms. When the mushrooms have reached maturity, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, you will notice that the caps have flattened out and the veil underneath has broken. This is a sign that it is time to harvest. To harvest, gently twist and pull the mushrooms from the substrate. Avoid using scissors or cutting the mushrooms, as this can damage the mycelium and lead to contamination. Once you have harvested your mushrooms, it is important to dry them to preserve their potency. Drying also makes the mushrooms easier to store and consume. The most common method for drying mushrooms is to use a dehydrator. If you do not have a dehydrator, you can place the mushrooms on a wire rack in a warm, dry place. Make sure to turn them over periodically to ensure even drying. Once the mushrooms are completely dry, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until you are ready to use them.

Storing and Consuming the Mushrooms

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the potency of your magic mushrooms. After drying, place your mushrooms in an airtight container, such as a mason jar, and store them in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing them to heat or moisture, as this can degrade their potency. When it comes to consuming your mushrooms, it is important to start with a small dose and work your way up gradually. The effects of psilocybin can vary widely depending on factors such as strain, dosage, and individual tolerance. It is recommended to use harm-reduction practices, such as having a trusted friend present and avoiding driving or operating heavy machinery while under the influence. Remember to approach the experience with respect and caution, and always prioritize safety.


Growing magic mushrooms in T.O.B. can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for those interested in exploring the unique properties of psilocybin mushrooms. It is important to choose the right strain, create a suitable growing environment, inoculate the substrate, maintain the growing environment, harvest and dry the mushrooms, and store and consume them safely. With patience, attention to detail, and a commitment to safety, you can successfully grow and consume your magic mushrooms at home. Always keep in mind that the consumption of psychedelic substances carries inherent risks, so it is essential to follow harm-reduction practices and approach the experience with respect and caution. By doing so, you can safely and responsibly explore the transformative potential of psilocybin mushrooms.


Magic mushrooms, T.O.B., Mushrooms, Mushroom cultivation, Magic Mushrooms plant in the house, Magic Mushrooms plant in T.O.B., Substrate, Growing environment, Inoculation, Sterile techniques, Temperature, Humidity, Airflow, Harvesting, Drying, Dehydrator, Potency, Storage, Consuming, Psilocybin, Strain selection, Mycelium, Ecosystem.

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