Does Cannabis Make you Happy?

Does cannabis make you happy

Cannabis And Dopamine

I have been asked this question quite many times. ‘Does cannabis make you happy, ‘do you feel good after smoking weed’, ‘ Does marijuana releases dopamine’. And these questions are asked by the first time cannabis consumers. So, Finally I have decided to answer this question and I will also try to dive towards the scientific analysis of how weed makes a person happy.

Starting with the short answer, ‘Yes’ weed/cannabis makes you happy. In fact ‘medical marijuana’, is often used to reduse depression, anxiety and some other mental situations. But there are some little demirits to cannabis.

In addition to cannabinoids obtained from plants, there is another type of cannabinoids created by the human body. It has a lot to do with the euphoric feeling that we have after consuming cannabis.

What Studies have been saying about cannabis

Cannabis has been shown in studies to reduce anxiety, boost mood, treat physical pain, minimize the risk of psychotic episodes, and even protect against neurodegenerative illnesses. As a result, while happiness is a subjective state of mind, cannabis includes numerous chemicals that cause happiness in the majority of individuals.

Now let’s Dive to the science behind it

How Cannabis Make You Happy (Scientific explanation)

cbd vs thc

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) are the two most active cannabinoids in cannabis (see whether CBD / THC ratios important). While both substances have the potential to impact mood but they work in the different parts of the mind. As a result, they yield various results. THC is commonly connected with pleasure, but CBD is commonly associated with pain relief and anxiety reduction.

THC is responsible for releasing dopamine boost

Cannabis has a variety of natural components, including as cannabinoids and terpenes, that may help improve mood and induce happiness in the great majority of users. THC, on the other hand, is by far the most discussed component in producing a “happy” affect. The aforementioned euphoria happens when THC attaches to your cannabinoid receptors, causing a “flood of dopamine” in the brain that makes nearly any action more joyful, including eating, exercising, or simply relaxing.

CBD is responsible for releasing seratonin boost

THC activates the brain’s reward system, but CBD possesses anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties. Although the jury is yet out on how CBD may alleviate anxiety, current studies indicate that CBD operates to increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates numerous mental and physical functions. Serotonin levels that are higher are associated with reduced anxiety, a decreased risk of depression, and better sleep. CBD not only promotes better sleep, but it also acts as a wake-inducing chemical, raising energy levels.

Can Cannabis also make you depressed

We have always heard too much of anything is never good. That implies for cannabis consumption as well. Just see the fact that, whenever you do productive work you feel good, so this is you giving yourself dopamine after getting some work done. When you keep on taking THC your dopamine receptor becomes empty and after a certain time you become too much dependent on cannabis to feel good aka dopamine release and then you become addicted. If you can develop a regulated approach on the cannabis consumption, there are much benefits of it.

cbd for depression

Does Cannabis have positive effect on mental health

While cannabis has the potential for therapeutic impacts on mental health, it would be dishonest to ignore the potential negative effects that certain users (both medicinal and recreational) may experience. Instead, the data above highlights the fact that there is more to the story than just THC content. Other plant ingredients like as cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, etc.) and terpenes work together to define your experience. As I have mentioned above CBD palys an important role in dealing with anxiety and depression issues, so if someone is going through severe depression or anxiety at first he/she should consult a therapist or doctor and then they can consider using CBD oil. Which is far different than cannabis in general. And there will be no mix effects of THC so the substance solely focuses on healing your mental conditions.

CBD for depression and anxiety

Studies show Microdosing is good for mental health

Microdosing users use little doses of cannabis in order to benefit from THC’s medicinal properties without experiencing its psychoactive side effects, which might interfere with day-to-day activities. The majority of people are unaware of microdosing, according to Michelle Ross, creator of the nonprofit IMPACT network, which conducts empirical medical research to discover novel cannabis-related treatments for patients. They just overload themselves with cannabis or large doses of THC, which is not necessarily the best course of action for whatever condition they may have.

Can Cannabis make you Happy in the long term

Cannabis does develops a more open outlook on life. Though THC’s dopamine release is thought to have a role in this impact, its similarities to AEA are arguably more important in terms of possible long-term mood enhancements.

The findings of a qualitative study on cannabis usage in a Swiss male jail during 2009-10, released in 2013, point to this. Cannabis was found to have favorable benefits by both inmates and staff, including the capacity to lighten the jail experience, reduce tension, avoid aggression, and function as a “social pacifier.” Access to marijuana was also thought to restrict respondents’ usage of heavier drugs. Sleepiness, social isolation, and the use and trafficking of stronger drugs were all negative impacts of cannabis usage.

Other subjective and preclinical research show that cannabis has a possible spirit-lifting effect that may assist manage mood in some users. Overuse of THC, on the other hand, is thought to reduce endocannabinoid activation—specifically, CB1 receptors in the central nervous system—making it more difficult to produce the same sense of pleasure at the same dose over time. Which takes me back to my point of ‘not to get dependent’ on any substance.

For this reason, regulation of cannabis use is important and Joe rogan has said this perfectly “After a great day of work, I feel awesome smoking a joint.” Feeling happy is something you have to earn, yes cannabis can do that for you but you’re the one who have to make sure of it

Does cannabis make you happy

Exercise is a great way to release dopamine

Exercise, particularly endurance exercise, has been demonstrated to significantly increase anandamide levels in blood plasma. This process is thought to be partially responsible for the “runner’s high” phenomenon, which has long been attributed to dopamine as the single neurotransmitter responsible for the pleasure and analgesia commonly experienced after physical exertion. Long-distance running, bicycling, and other endurance sports are a wonderful way to release more anandamide, as well as other endorphins.

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