Does cannabis improve sex life?

cannabis for better sex

The stoned and lusty have long coupled cannabis with sex.  We now know more than ever about the science behind why being high and having sex feels so fantastic, thanks to cannabis legalization – it’s because we have endogenous cannabinoid in our body system. Our endogenous cannabinoid system, called after the cannabis plant, is a vital physiologic system in the body to which phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant, such as THC and CBD, bind, resulting in a variety of sensations.

These benefits — increased senses, less inhibitions — can make sex considerably more pleasurable. While cannabis is a harmless drug, too much or the incorrect technique of use can cause anxiety, which is harmful to sex. Because you may believe or not in the past cannabis has also been enforced on people to lower there testosterone. In today’s blog we are going to discuss in what you cannabis can make sex better

How CBD can help you release your anxiety and focus on your partner

cbd for better sex

One of the most prevalent disorders for which medicinal marijuana is recommended is stress. CBD, as well as THC at modest levels, have been found to alleviate anxiety. THC in excessive concentrations, on the other hand, might cause anxiety. What constitutes a substantial quantity varies by individual, based on tolerance and metabolism. Some people find 10mg to be too much, while others may comfortably eat 50mg and feel fine. Cannabis strains strong in CBD might occasionally aid if you become worried and stuck in your head during sex. because of many stress faced every day often men might have a hard time getting erect or face erectile dysfunction. In these cases, CBD can be a great relief in the sex life.

Cannabis Enhances the Sexual Experience

For millennia, cannabis enthusiasts have wanted to get down with amazing experiences. Getting intimate with a cherished partner or having passionate sex while high on cannabis not only feels amazing, but it also motivates the participants to raise their sexual consciousness to the next level.

If you’re stuck in a sexual slump or find yourself too lethargic to have sex even if your partner wants to, cannabis can help come to the groove. THC is activating, which is why it may induce anxiety if used in excess, but when consumed at the appropriate quantities for your tolerance, it can help us focus, get active, and explode with creativity.

The Enhancement of the Senses

cannabis is better for sex

Cannabis stimulates the senses, making television shows more intriguing, sunsets more gorgeous than ever, and beloved songs take on new meaning. Cannabis also improves your sensation of touch by reducing pain and inflammation, making sex seem out of this world. Under the influence of cannabis, everything from a shoulder rub to an orgasm is intensified.

smoking a joint may definitely enhance sex, however, if you’re wanting to really boost your sense of sensation edibles or a cannabis tincture can be great. In comparison to inhalation, edibles take two hours to kick in (though sublingual tinctures start acting sooner) and can last up to five to six hours. Give edibles a try if you want a maximal body high for a great love session. Many individuals dislike them because they tend to go overdose and go through a bad experience.

Tolerance varies from person to person and fluctuates over time. To follow the safe dose instructions, start with 5mg or less. If you still desire anything after two hours, take another 5mg. Tolerance levels strongly influence edible doses. Someone who uses it on a daily or medical basis can tolerate up to 100mg, but new users should start with 5mg or less. Edibles may be fantastic for sex when dosed gradually and the user pays attention to how they feel.

Cannabis helps you to connect in a deeper level with your partner

cannabis makes sex better

A connection is necessary for excellent sex and is not limited to long-term partnerships. Even in casual hook-ups, we’ll have better sex if we feel at ease with the person we’re with. Cannabis, when dosed appropriately with the right strain, dosage, and consumption technique for you, may help us open up to our relationships in ways we normally do not. And that is one of the reasons why cannabis is considered highly for greeting intimation.

Can THC be harmful to testosterone

While the aforementioned historical sources emphasize the use of marijuana to improve sex, it has also historically been employed as a sexual suppressant. For instance, the ancient Roman medical text De Materia Medica (On Medical Matters) made mention of the use of cannabis to treat aches and pains as well as to inhibit sexual desire.

Why then can marijuana act as a stimulant and a suppressant? Well, according to contemporary science, it depends on how much THC is ingested. Two phases of male sexual activity are impacted by cannabis, according to research from the University of Texas. Researchers observed that the initial THC dosage caused the blood levels of testosterone to rise to roughly six times the average. But 20 minutes later, the testosterone levels plunged and were much lower than in the control group.

Another intriguing finding from this study was that mice given a modest dosage maintained high levels of testosterone for up to an hour. Only animals given a high dose saw their testosterone levels rapidly decline. This indicates that while a modest quantity of cannabis may definitely put men in a good mood and keep them there for a while, a big dose will likely lead a guy to peak too early or possibly prevent any peak at all.


There is a strain for everyone, whether you enjoy soaring rendezvous situations or profound spiritual relationships. With the titillating varietals described above, explore your inner desires and learn what the cosmos has in store for you. High-class cannabis has an orgasmic effect that can be so potent that it transcends human language and is indescribable verbally. Get physical, smoke some marijuana, and get together with your lover.

Strains that helps you to be more intimate

super lemon haze | News

Super Lemon haze

A sativa-dominant hybrid. The smell is zesty, citrusy, and a little sweet. The effects will leave you happy, and energized while bringing forth your creativity. This strain is great for relieving depression and stress as it is quite uplifting. This is a great strain that can help you to be also creative in bed.

Northern lights strain

Northern Lights

Northern Lights stands among the most famous strains of all time, a pure heavy indica cherished for its resinous buds, fast flowering, and resilience during growth. Itself a descendant of indigenous Afghani and Thai landrace strains, Northern Lights has given rise to famous hybrids like Shiva Skunk and Super Silver Haze. Rumor has it that Northern Lights first sprouted near Seattle, Washington, but was propagated out of Holland after 1985 at what is now Sensi Seeds.

Pungently sweet, spicy aromas radiate from the crystal-coated buds, which sometimes reveal themselves in hues of purple. Northern Lights’ psychoactive effects settle in firmly throughout the body, relaxing muscles and pacifying the mind in dreamy euphoria. Which is a perfect time to be physical with your partner. Channel the euphoria into a great sexual energy

cbd oil by pharmacraft

CBD OIL by pharmacraft

CBD helps to reduce stress and anxiety. it helps you to reach a relaxation mood which later can be turned into sexual energy. According to study, CBD products may increase libido by lowering anxiety. Some persons experience a drop in libido as a result of sexual performance anxiety. The urge for sex could increase if your worry is reduced.

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