Can psychedelics treat alcohol and drug addiction?

psychedelics, magic mushroom, micro dose

Researchers are looking at utilizing psychedelics to treat alcohol and drug addiction

A profound experience can change your life, mushroom brings that wild trip. However, this trip can easily turn into a worse experience, if you are just looking to get high or darting for short relief. The journey has to be healing, self-realization, finding answers, coming out with a whole new perspective toward life.

Early research on psychedelics (mushrooms) has indicated that they may be effective in treating alcohol and cigarette addiction. The issue has become increasingly pressing as the globe deals with a rise in overdoses that are killing over 100,000 people each year, the most of which are related to opioids, and a rise in mortality directly related to alcohol that have reached their highest rate in decades.

Can mushroom, terminate addiction towards Alcohol or ciggerate?


cocaine users have asked skeptically

“You’re going to help me stop getting high — by getting me high?”

Peter Hendricks, a public health professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham, while experimenting with psychedelics to treat addiction

Now to answer the question- If you have tried mushroom, you know but if you haven’t just so you know- Mushroom is not addictive. Saying that we have a lot to discuss in this blog, how mushrooms can help you to overcome your addiction.

The Mushroom Experience

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For thousands of years, people have taken drugs with the ability to change consciousness. Among other things, traditional communities employed them in initiation rites, healing rituals, and communication with the afterlife. These substances are now referred to as psychedelics and include psilocybin, which is a naturally occurring chemical found in “magic mushrooms.” Now, something that is considered so strong and spiritual cannot be for daily use first of all and shamans have used psilocybin to connect with entities from other worlds.

Now we are living in the age of science, so we have an explanation for everything. But the question is do we want everything to be explained by science, what if we left some pages unturned?

Senn, one of a score of people participating in a pilot study of psilocybin Therapy study

She said “The most meaningful event of my life, without a doubt. She claimed that throughout the journey, her father softly erased her picture, “almost like he was erasing my ego,” before escorting her to a heavenly location that she struggled to put into words.

She said, “I’m not a religious person, but I genuinely believe I have been healed of my atheism today.

At one moment she started seeing her own children, she explained it this way “As the time went by the experience got weirder and beautiful.” her children were connected to her with long black umbilical cords. 

Her husband joked over the phone saying if she came as a total vegan, Things doesn’t work this way, however, things changed for senn. She didn’t stop smoking or drinking wine right away but the experience taught her she has people that love her and there is no reason to hurt herself. 

She stopped drinking altogether many months after taking psilocybin. Senn claimed that her use of psychedelics was only a small portion of a larger journey that included involved changing careers, reading books on addiction, meditating, writing, and yoga. She claimed that drinking seemed dull and constricting in comparison to the exquisite beauty of her experience.

Aimée Jamison intended to quit smoking before she turned 50 years old a few years ago.

She is a part-time Boston resident and investor who had heard about psychedelic therapy but was unaware that the medication was mostly forbidden for personal usage. Therefore, she took a flight to Baltimore in the fall of 2018 to take part in a clinical study at the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research. She could not sleep and described the day she had to go nicotine-free before a brain scan as “the most horrible 24 hours I’ve experienced.”

She received a single tablet containing 30 milligrams of psilocybin, a rather high dose, following three talk therapy sessions at the Hopkins clinic. She took the medication, put on an eye mask, lay on a couch, and spent the next five hours on a psychedelic experience with two therapists nearby.

She sat up when her trip was over and turned to face the therapists and said “Now I understand why I smoked, Now I don’t need to anymore”

Just imagine someone telling you to stop smoking, what will you do, and then you have a whole new experience that changes your concept about life and then you realize on your own what smoking does to you, what do you think?- which will work better.

It’s one thing for me to inform you that your drinking is having a detrimental impact on your family relationships, he said. It’s another thing to feel it in a really real and vivid way, as opposed to just being shown something.

Mushroom Microdose– Could be a good way to start

Regularly taking very small doses of a psychedelic chemical is known as micro-dosing. The dosage should be sub-perceptual in order to be effective.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about “tripping out” and seeing things that may affect your reality while you are at work because those who microdose have NO psychoactive effects. If you feel your drug abuse has a connection with your depression then Mushroom Microdose could be a solution for you, people are trying and saying good things about you. Now, Growhouse believes in self-control, realization, hard work, and results, we love our community so obviously, we don’t believe in getting high and just lying dead on the couch. a lot of people abuse themselves with cannabis and alcohol. 

Guys! this is not the way!

If you start to look into the lives of people around you, you;ll understand everyone has their own sad stories but they are not giving up, then why should you, right? Now coming back to the mushroom microdose. It gives you a little ease and a euphoric feeling and removes you from your depression with less harmful effects than alcohol and cigarette. Now, what do you do? Start abusing mushrooms now?


The euphoric feeling will last for a while and then eventually everything will turn to normal again. Start working, develop your skills during that high period of microdose, and use the achievements to keep yourself motivated and inspired. I know it sounds bookish, but it is damn right possible.

Growhouse has some of the best mushroom microdose products, you can try them and let us know how they made you feel.

Caution: Guys, if you are trying mushroom for the first time, don’t eat the full thing all together. The pills for pharmacraft and alice, just take one and wait for the euphoric effect. Same goes for the chocolate bars, one square at a time.

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