9 health benefits of CBD

CBD health benefits

Other than THC, Cannabis sativa plants contain another substance called cannabidiol, known as CBD. CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system, which delivers messages between your cells to assist in controlling your mobility, mood, homeostasis, and immune system when applied topically, absorbed by smoke inhalation or edible ingestion, or taken orally. The world sees one picture of cannabis and that is, it gets you high nothing else. ” Cannabis is an intoxicating drug and you should avoid it” but lot of people do not know cannabis is used for medical purposes nowadays and CBD is playing a significant role in that.

CBD is frequently obtained in oil form from the plant we call weed and combined with a neutral carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil, for ingestion. Likewise, CBD research is expanding. Here are nine ways that research indicates CBD oil may be healthy for you.

CBD for Anxiety and depression

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Perhaps CBD’s most well-known benefit and the reason it is so widely used is its calming properties. All types of cannabis products including CBD gummies and other CBD edibles are legal in Canada. Other states, have a lot of regulations so we are lucky with CBD in that sense. Now the reason CBD is getting a lot of popularity is that it calms you down without getting you high. If you have to be in office and get some important work done or face a deadline, CBD can be a great help. Without diverting concentration it reduces anxiety of all sorts.

In a mock public speaking exam, 57 men participated in a 2017 study published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry to gauge their degrees of anxiety. Before their talks, some people received a placebo, while others took 150, 300, or 600 mg of CBD. Compared to those who got the placebo, individuals who received 300 mg of CBD reported much less anxiety during the exam. It’s interesting to note that compared to the 300 milligrams group, participants who received 150 or 600 milligrams of CBD reported higher levels of anxiety during the test.

CBD for epilepsy

Some humans and animals that are susceptible to seizures may benefit from CBD treatment. Patients taking CBD to treat Lennox-Gastaut, Dravet syndrome, or tuberous sclerosis complex have significantly less seizures, according to clinical research. There are signs that CBD may help prevent other types of seizures or improve the effectiveness of other antiepileptic drugs, while research in other fields is still in its early stages. CBD may significantly lessen seizures in persons with CDKL5 deficient condition, Aicardi syndrome, Doose syndrome, and Dup15q syndrome, according to preliminary clinical studies. Additionally, during the course of the clinical research, CBD seemed to maintain its effectiveness.


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Both topically applied and orally consumed CBD may help lessen and control the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

11 persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) received CBD combined with standard psychiatric therapy for eight weeks in an outpatient psychiatric clinic as part of a modest 2018 research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Ten out of the eleven people saw a reduction in their PTSD symptoms.

Four further human studies conducted between 2012 and 2016 found that CBD lessens the symptoms of PTSD, even though four of them also contained THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. An “entourage effect” is created when THC and CBD interact, enhancing the effects and potency of both substances. For instance, taking the same amount of THC and CBD at the same time reduces the “high” that comes from THC, but taking less THC and more CBD increases the benefits of CBD.

CBD Helps to treat opioid addiction

A large class of painkillers known as opioids interact with opioid receptors in your cells to relieve pain. Opioids can be produced in a lab, such as fentanyl, or from the poppy plant, such as morphine (Kadian, Ms. Contin, and others) (Actiq, Duragesic, others).

Your brain cells produce signals that reduce your sense of pain and increase your emotions of pleasure when opioid drugs pass through your blood and bind to opioid receptors.

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Opioid drugs’ ability to effectively alleviate pain can also make them harmful. Opioids may make you feel drowsy at low dosages, but at greater quantities, they might cause breathing and heart rate slowdown, which can be fatal. Additionally, the pleasure that an opioid produces might make you desire to keep having similar emotions, which can develop into addiction.

Some research, including preclinical animal studies and human clinical trials, raises the possibility that CBD could be utilized to treat opioid dependence.

In one such trial, CBD was given to participants who had heroin use disorders. CBD dramatically decreased cue-induced cravings, withdrawal anxiety, resting heart rate, and salivary cortisol levels in heroin addicts over the course of a week. There were no major side effects discovered.

According to other research, CBD may be a successful treatment for opioid addiction since it helps people with drug use disorders manage symptoms including anxiety, sleeplessness, and discomfort.

CBD Reduces the symptoms of ALS

In the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord degenerate, leading to a progressive loss of muscular control. Though it can be inherited in certain situations, the actual cause of ALS is still unknown.

According to research, those who have ALS may benefit from the entourage effect that is produced when THC and CBD are combined, much like those who have PTSD. According to their requirements and preferences, subjects in a 2019 trial got a mixture of THC and CBD in varied amounts. High levels of treatment satisfaction were reported by persons with mild, moderate, or severe spasticity (muscle tightness and stiffness) as a result of ALS, with moderate to severe spasticity reporting greater satisfaction rates than mild spasticity.

CBD relieves agonizing pain

Cannabidiol (CBD) may aid to bring about some much-needed respite from discomfort. According to clinical research, topical CBD products like creams, gels, and balms can help with pain relief for ailments including arthritis, migraines, nerve damage, and muscular pains.

When used topically, CBD oil has less of an impact on the underlying problem than if it were injected directly into the circulation. Instead, topical CBD is more focused and only helps localized pain. It could have a more noticeable effect because it’s more direct.

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A study was done on “the Effectiveness of Topical Cannabidiol Oil in Symptomatic Relief of Peripheral Neuropathy of the Lower Extremities”. With a mean age of 68 years, the study population was made up of 62.1% men and 37.9% females. Comparing the CBD group to the placebo group, there was a statistically significant decrease in the intensity of pain, sharpness of discomfort, chilly and itching feelings. In this trial, there were no adverse events recorded.

CBD topicals are great if you apply them directly to the place of the pain. There are a lot of skincare CBD products that are now available.

CBD Reduces Complications of Diabetes

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First off, research on human cells revealed that CBD lessens the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body, which frequently come before the onset of diabetes and its many consequences. Researchers came to the conclusion that CBD may be very beneficial for people with diabetes, diabetic complications, and arterial wall plaque formation with additional research.

CBD Can Prevent Neurological Disorders

Studies in the preclinical and clinical stages demonstrate that CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These traits, according to researchers, can offer considerable neuroprotection, or defense against a wide range of pathological illnesses.

Numerous preclinical research indicate CBD may be effective in treating multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral ischemia and Huntington’s disease were also evaluated, but no appreciable positive outcomes were noted. To establish CBD’s advantages when used as a therapy for certain illnesses, further clinical research is required.

CBD Reduces the Symptoms of Arthritis

cbd for arthritis

The tissues within and surrounding your joints deteriorate as a result of arthritis. A number of different forms of arthritis can cause pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility. The main goals of arthritis therapy are pain alleviation and increased joint function.

According to a 2006 research, Sativex, a CBD-based botanical medication that was licensed in the UK in 2010, significantly improved the quality of sleep, pain when moving, and discomfort while at rest in rheumatoid arthritis patients when compared to a placebo. It involved 58 patients and was the first controlled study of Sativex as a rheumatoid arthritis medication. CBD was discovered to have both a pain-relieving and a disease-activation-suppressing impact.

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