11 Celebrities who have admitted to smoking cannabis

celebrities who love cannabis

There are a lot of intoxicating substances out there starting with alcohol, molly, and mushrooms but cannabis is better than any of them any day. There are a lot of studies going on the benefits of Cannabis, one of the major elements of cannabis is CBD and studies show that it has medicinal benefits that could help to heal health conditions like epilepsy, and seizures. And a lot of people who go through chemotherapy use cannabis to ease their pain. And now we have a lot of famous people who are in great support of Cannabis. Canada legalized cannabis in all the states and for that we are lucky, These weed lover celebrities are always welcome here, and have a nice joint with us!


Seth Rogan is a cannabis enthusiast

Seth Rogen is well-known as an actor, writer, producer, and cannabis enthusiast. So much so that, in 2019, he founded Houseplant with friends and investors including Evan Goldberg and Mikey Mohr, which distributes cannabis products to a lot of retailers in California and also sells custom-made cannabis home goods accessories ranging from ashtrays to table lighters and interestingly a lot of the products are designed by the actor himself.

In an interview he said

“I don’t know if it helps me write. It makes me not mind that I’m writing. And I don’t know if it makes me work better, but it makes me not care that I’m working,” he explained. “Who wants to work? But if you’re stoned, it doesn’t seem like work.”

In 2021 november Seth Rogan and standup comedian/actor Sarah Silverman launched a pair of short videos inviting Americans to contact their political officials and express their support for federal cannabis legalization.

“Legalizing cannabis is long past due, and if we make enough noise, we can make it happen,” said Seth the co-founder of a cannabis company.

Morgan Freeman, vocal about the benefits of cannabis

morgan | News

Morgan Freeman, another vocal supporter of marijuana legalization, told the Daily Beast that for his fibromyalgia symptoms, “the only thing that brings any comfort is marijuana.”

Who introduced the legendary actor to marijuana? His spouse. “My first wife introduced me to it many years ago. How do I interpret it? Whatever it is! I’ll eat, drink, smoke, and snort it!”

He also added ‘They’re talking about kids who have grand mal seizures, and they’ve discovered that marijuana eases that down to where these children can have a life. That right there, to me, says, “Legalize it across the board!”

‘And what negative effects does it have? Look at Woodstock 1969. They said, “We’re not going to bother them or say anything about smoking marijuana,” and not one problem or fight.
‘Then look at what happened in ’99,’ he says, referencing the less marijuana-friendly 30th-anniversary event, which resulted in riots and arrests.’

Cannabis Helped Patrick Stewart dealing with health condition

Patrick Stewart loves cannabis

In 2017, veteran actor Patrick Stewart issued a statement detailing how he utilized medicinal marijuana on a daily basis to manage his hereditary ortho-arthritis in his hands.

He described how using an ointment and spray had “substantially decreased the stiffness and discomfort” in his hands, adding that the alternative would have been a prolonged regimen of typical pain drugs with a variety of known harmful side effects.

He further added that medical marijuana was “a field of research that has for too long been held back by prejudice, fear and ignorance.”

To Cannabis Matthew McConaughey says all right all right all right

celebrities that love weed

Matthew McConaughey has been known to consume pot once in a while in his own life, in addition to playing a prominent pop culture stoner in Dazed and Confused. Who could forget the day he was detained at his house after police discovered him “extremely drunk” with marijuana?

Of the short stint in jail, McConaughey joked at the time, “I don’t want to rent a place there, but it was a nice stay for a night.”

Jennifer Aniston said pot is not cocaine or  heroin shot

celebrities that love marijuana

Jennifer Aniston, the renowned Friends actress, has not only acknowledged her cannabis consumption, but she has also provided advise to a first-time smoker. She, like others, finds the sensational depiction of celebrity marijuana use amusing.

“You see something like that—my husband and I, ‘hooked on narcotics.’

‘Then you read the report and it says you consume marijuana,’ “In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2001, she revealed this. “It’s not even cocaine or heroin shot. Pot!”

“I love it every now and again,” she told the magazine at the time. “Nothing is wrong with that. All things in moderation… I wouldn’t describe myself as a pothead.”

Harrison Ford and the crazy 70s

celebrities that love weed

Carrie Fisher revealed in her biography The Princess Diarist that Ford’s cannabis had such “brutal intensity” during their brief romance that she forgot a lot of 1976.

Charlize Theron was pot smoker

charlize theron | News

Charlize Theron has spoken candidly about her cannabis consumption, telling E! that she used to “wake and bake” on a regular basis.

“I truly appreciated marijuana lot more than alcohol or anything else,” she confessed before revealing that she has subsequently reduced her consumption. “In my early thirties, I just became bored with it and would just stand in front of my fridge, which isn’t healthy.” Theron is no longer probably MacGyvering apple pipes together, but she is willing to try pot again for her sleeplessness.

Cameron Diaz and Snoop dog are high school mates

cameron diaz | News

A celebrity link we hadn’t made before? Snoop Dogg and Cameron Diaz They went to high school together, and Diaz alleged in a 2011 interview with George Lopez that the pre-fame rapper sold her marijuana. Snoop himself has confirmed the tale. For the record, that was “white girl” cannabis.

Brad Pitt occasionally enjoy the green goodies

celebrities that love cannabis

Brad Pitt has never denied having used marijuana in his salad days.

Brad Pitt’s marijuana usage is legendary. So much so that tales regarding his smoking have surfaced from entertainment industry luminaries such as Quentin Tarantino and Bill Maher, to name a few.

For what it’s worth, Pitt responded to Maher’s admiration for his precisely rolled machine-standard joints with a grin and the remark, “I’m an artist.”


celebrities who smoke weed

Jane Fonda, the legendary actress and activist, uses CBD products to relieve the pain and suffering caused by osteoarthritis. She also said that she smokes marijuana with a cannabis pen, which “limits how many dosages you receive, which is far better than taking sleeping pills.”

Zoë Kravitz enjoys smoking a good joint

celebrities who love cannabis

In the current TV reimagining of the 2000s film High Fidelity, Zo Kravitz smoked a lot of pot as Rob, a sarcastic stoner. As it turned out, she was also taking care of herself.

In an interview in 2020, the actress said that she had been passing the time in quarantine with “baths, wine, watching films, cooking, smoking cannabis, and listening to music.”


These celebrities show that, the image of cannabis out there “weed makes you fall down on the couch, and, you do nothin” is so not true. If you know how not to be totally consumed by dopamine then you can have the greatest fun of your life being high, like these starts do. We are lucky that canada has legalize cannabis in all the states, USA is still working on making cannabis legal.

We GROWHOUSE just wish good luck for them!

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