Tag Archives: Vape

How Many CBD Vape Puffs a Day is Safe for You?

With the increase in the use of cannabinoids such as CBD, there is concern with [...]

Understanding where cbd comes from

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a naturally occurring substance that comes from the cannabis [...]

Vape Time: Exploring the Rituals and Routines of Vapor Enthusiasts

Welcome to the world of vape time, where enthusiasts embark on a journey of flavor, [...]

The Concentrate Chronicles: Unraveling the World of Cannabis Wax, Shatter, and Oil

In the ever-evolving landscape of cannabis consumption, concentrates have emerged as a prominent player, captivating [...]

Vaping: B.C. orders cut to nicotine content, restricts flavoured products to adult-only stores

[ad_1] The B.C. government is restricting the sale of all flavoured vaping products to adult-only [...]

Cannabis vaping products won’t be sold in Quebec, N.L. in January

[ad_1] By Nichola Saminather Reuters Posted December 4, 2019 4:56 pm Smaller font Descrease article [...]

Doctors provide update in first known Canadian case of vaping-related illness

[ad_1] A newly published article says an Ontario teenager’s brush with death due to a [...]