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Cannabis vape juice is a term used for cannabinoids like Cannabidiol or CBD which can be found in hemp oil. Studies have shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. As a result of these properties, CBD is used in cannabis vape juice to treat various conditions.
In this guide, we will talk more about cannabis vape juice and CBD. We will also discuss what you need to consider when choosing a CBD vape juice and the best cannabis vape juice brands. Let’s get started!
Cannabis vape juice or cannabis e-liquid is a liquid used for vaping of cannabis. By vaping, you are inhaling the vapors of these liquids by using either a vape pen or an e-cigarette device.
There are various types of cannabis vape juices. The most common types include CBD hemp oil e-liquids, hemp extract e-liquids, THC e-liquids and marijuana e-liquids.
While all these products have the same form, they have different ingredients. Hemp oil e-liquids and extracts contain high amounts of cannabinoids while marijuana vape juices contain the active ingredients found in marijuana such as THC and CBD.
Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the most abundant cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. It is non-toxic and has a low addiction potential making it one of the best therapeutic compounds present in cannabis plants.
Some studies have shown that CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and also helps in relieving convulsions among people who have epilepsy. Studies also show that CBD helps in improving short-term memory loss and depression.
Another study shows that CBD can help treat drug abuse especially when it comes to opiates like heroin and painkillers. In addition, CBD can also improve sleep quality among people who abuse drugs or take sleep medications.
Since each person has a different reaction to CBD, there is no definite dosage recommended for it. However, you can try out different dosages to see what works best for you. Here are some dosages which you can try:
These side effects usually go away after a few days and will eventually stop if you continue to take the same dosage every day. If side effects become more prominent after taking high doses, it is best to consult your doctor again.