cannabis effects on sports

A lot of famous people have talked about how cannabis makes them creative. Joe Rogan, Brad Pitt, Whoopi Goldberg, Matthew McConaughey even steve jobs has smoked pot when he was young with his pal Steve Wozniak. Seth Rogan has his own weed brand. We all love Bob Dylan, he says “But opium and hash and pot–now, those things aren’t drugs. They just bend your mind a little. I think everybody’s mind should be bent once in a while.”
But how many sports man believe cannabis has put a positive effect on their career. Does weed have any effect on athletic capability.

celebrity smokes cannabis

Cannabis Before a Workout Session

We all know that exercise is beneficial to our physical and mental health, whether we lift weights or jog, but often we struggle to find time, energy, or inspiration to keep to a fitness regimen.

Getting high before and after a workout is key to a lot of people and the fun fact is the number keeps increasing. But getting high has a different image in the mind of a lot of people because movies have shown that weed makes you lie down on the couch all day and that is so not true. there are strains that remove your social awkwardness and make you social as lit but you will never see mainstream media saying this.

Exercise aversion can be connected to perceptions that working out must be painful, severe, or time-consuming in order to be effective. However, Some of the world’s most successful athletes are people who like moving their bodies, frequently with the aid of THC to augment the pleasant vibes.

cannabis effects on workout

THC, the psychoactive element in cannabis, is structurally similar to natural substances produced by our bodies during workout, and utilizing cannabis correctly may improve the advantages of working out while alleviating side effects such as pains and exhaustion.

This is not for an athlete but if you are workout to keep yourself fit then you can give it a try. It will help you to deal with the initial struggles of starting a gym. You can make a great playlist smoke a joint and go to the gym. And if you have been working out for a while, cannabis does help in going the extra mile. Meaning, it keeps your blood calm which easily gets you more reps before you get all pumped up. But this is solely my observation, don’t go for bench presses with heavy weights instead try light weights.


Considering what sports performance entails and how various drugs are classified, it’s time to include cannabis into the mix. Usually, sports performance is measured in three areas Endurance, Recovery, and cognitive function.

cannabis on sports

Cannabis Effects on Endurance

Cannabis effects on endurance

Endurance, sometimes known as “the ability to endure,” is a major concern for sportsmen. It’s a major concern for most individuals since many of us would welcome the opportunity to spend a few additional minutes doing what we enjoy.

A study published in the Journal of Cannabis Research claims

Acute cannabis use may improve endurance by reducing exercise discomfort, but chronic usage does not. According to study results, the majority of participants who used cannabis with exercise reported less discomfort and/or higher enjoyment of the activity.

It should be noted that just four research passed the review’s rigorous criteria at the time of publishing, making it impossible to provide a definitive response on the subject. It appears that the only way to find out is to go for a long nature run while listening to some good music and smoking a joint.

Cannabis Effects on Recovery

recovery | News

Many athletes and trainers believe that recovery is the most important part of sports performance. After all, training consistency is critical to physical growth. When it comes to getting great slumber, it appears that we should choose high-CBD strains and CBD products over high-THC cannabis.

A thorough study looked at the effects of THC and CBD on sports performance and recovery. While THC was often linked with higher risk to reward (for example, becoming too high to recall your sets and reps), CBD had a far more favorable profile.

Researchers found that “the usage of CBD by athletes is likely more important to recovery during training and competition,” adding that it shows some promise “through a variety of putative pathways.” CBD looks to have the greatest strength in its lack of noticeable side effects, giving it a far more adaptable alternative.

Cannabis effects on cognitive function

cognitive | News

Cognitive function is one final component of physical performance to examine in regard to cannabis. While there’s no doubting that skill and hard effort are essential for peak performance, mental toughness also plays a role in breaking past plateaus.

Again, it appears that CBD is in the spotlight here, with a study published in Sports Medicine describing the possible influence of CBD on athletic aspects for example pain, sleep, anxiety, stress relief

How to use cannabis for sports enhancements

Well, before we move into this an individual has to have experience with cannabis before. If you are just starting with the green community it is better first to get used to being high before you jump into sports being high. Once you have understood your mind completely and how it works when high, you are able to do great.

Now what are the ways of consuming weed for sports.


Though smoking is still one of the most common ways to consume cannabis, we will not go into great length about it. In general, smoking introduces a slew of noxious compounds that can derail the results of physical exercise.

If you’re just trying to keep track of your steps, a joint and a walk in the woods seems like a wonderful plan. However, for anything else, it’s usually better to wait until after the event to start the pre-rolls.


If you are someone who goes to the gym regularly then cannabis edibles might be a good idea. But you have to consider the strength and delayed high of edibles. 

Edibles are renowned for knocking even the most experienced stoner on their arse (literally and metaphorically), so setting a baseline amount is critical(I would suggest starting with micro dosing). However, probably the most important factor to consider when combining edibles with sports training is timing

THC might take up to an hour to enter your system, so plan your pre-workout munchies wisely. To avoid interfering with warming up and stretching, you should aim for the top of your high to begin when you begin your working sets. Finally, many edibles are rich in calories, so consider whether they are compatible with your fitness objectives.


CBD oil obviously isn’t a consumption method, however as we’ve seen it is highly accepted for its health benefits so CBD oil can be a great addition to the post-workout routine.

Risk of cannabis for sports enthusiasts

After discussing the possible advantages and practical uses of combining marijuana with sports, it’s time to talk about the concerns. We’ll leave the finer points of legality to you, as it’s hard to foresee all of the diverse results throughout the world.

Assuming you’re okay with using cannabis while participating in sports, the most urgent danger to consider is injury. There’s no doubting that THC alters response speed and perception, which, when paired with large weights, spells disaster. Fortunately, the parallels between a cannabis high and the well-known “runner’s high” suggest that the herb may be a far better fit for cardiovascular sports.

In addition, there is a scarcity of qualitative studies that back up cannabis use in athletics. From a strictly scientific standpoint, the possible advantages appear to be few and few between. The beauty of cannabis, though, is that no two experiences are same, and science cannot explore every consequence. Some people enjoy eating edibles or vaping before a run, while others enjoy a relaxing high as a post-workout reward. While we wait for more thorough human studies, it appears that the effects of marijuana on sports performance vary by individual!

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